2017 Master Electrician Exam Questions and Study Guide

2017 Master Electrician Exam Questions and Study Guide

B. inggris 15 ciri candi muara takus dalam bahasa Inggris ​

15 ciri candi muara takus dalam bahasa Inggris ​


The Muara Takus Temple site is surrounded by a wall measuring 74 x 74 meters, made of white stone with a wall height of ± 80 cm, outside the area there is also an earthen wall measuring 1.5 x 1.5 kilometers, surrounding this complex to the edge of the Kampar River. Right. Inside this complex there are several temple buildings called the eldest/old temple, the youngest temple, the Mahligai Stupa and the Palangka.

Archaeological experts have not been able to determine with certainty when this temple site was founded. Some say 4th century, some say 7th century, 9th century even in the 11th century. However, this temple is considered to have existed in the golden age of Sriwijaya, so some historians consider this area to be one of the administrative centers of the Sriwijaya kingdom.[1][2]

In 2009 Muara Takus Temple was nominated to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


afwan yaa klo salahhh, setahuku itu aja sih kak
